Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Air Quality
SCDHEC "Spare the Air" Award
Inaugural 2008 "Spare the Air" Awards
Honoring South Carolina's Top Air Quality Improvements Programs, Projects & People

To recognize environmental leaders (i.e., companies, groups, communities, schools, local governments and individuals) that have made a voluntary commitment to promote and practice air quality improvement in South Carolina. Those environmental leaders nominated should demonstrate continuous environmental improvement through such practices as energy conservation, behavioral modifications, and other strategies to improve air quality.


  • To promote a healthier environment through air quality initiatives that are sustainable and replicable
  • To educate, build awareness, and motivate others to make better decisions about the environment through air quality improvements
  • To encourage positive behavioral changes that improve air quality
  • To strengthen and build partnerships with businesses, organizations and the citizens of South Carolina to improve air quality

On November 19, 2008, SCDHEC recognized Greenville County with the 2008 "Spare the Air" Outstanding Local Government for its commitment to promote and practice air quality improvements in South Carolina.

Certificate of Award

2008 Spare the Air Award
